sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

Radu's blogging: Ep 2

Most people don't know the definition of the word "Pwn"
It is what this guy did here:
Hello and be welcomed to Radu's Blogging: Episode 2!or whatever comes after 1.....

Nothing really interesting happened but I was so bored that I had to choose between writing here and sticking my socks into my nose.After I decided that the second option sounds really fun, and got my nose surgery, I made this post.
Love you diary!
You're my only friend :( cyaa

Pwnage is what the student did right here

Un comentariu:

  1. Check also "forgetful". Or "remeber".
    Once you've done this, make sure you have the jings posted on the blog and the chapters from Reading and Writing targets completed.
